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Council of Owners

The Council of Owners, usually referred to as the ‘Council’, are elected by the Strata Company at an annual general meeting, to act and make decisions on behalf of all of the owners within the Strata scheme. 

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They can be likened to a ‘board of directors’ of any company, and must always act in their role for the benefit of all lot proprietors. The Council are bound to carry out certain duties as prescribed under the Strata Titles Act, including but not limited to monitoring the Strata Company’s financial affairs, managing the common property and undertaking maintenance as required, and enforcing the by-laws of the Strata Company. 

​ Under the Strata Titles Reforms which came into effect in May 2020, a number of changes have been made relating to the obligations of Council members. The Strata Titles Act now requires Council members to declare conflicts of interest, and not make improper use of their position for their own personal gain, or that of any other person; or to cause detriment to the Strata Company. They are now also protected from any civil liability relating the performance of functions under the Strata Titles Act or scheme by-laws. Instead, any such liability will attach to the Strata Company as a whole.

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